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What is the official population of Hildebran


The official population estimate of Hildebran as of July 1, 2016 per the North Carolina Office of Budget and Management is 1,977.  This makes Hildebran the third largest town, by population, in Burke County.


What is the tax rate in Hildebran?


The tax rate is $0.15 per $100 of valuation. Ex.:  Property valued at $10,000 would pay $15.00 for taxes.


When is my tax payment due and how do I pay my tax bill?


Property taxes are due on September 1st of each year. Interest begins on January 6 of each year.


Beginning July 1, 2018, all real property, personal property, and licensed motor vehicle taxes for the Town of Hildebran will be collected by Burke County. 

*Please note that the Town of Hildebran will not accept payment of taxes for 2018 bills.


Any bills prior to 2018 shall remain with the Town of Hildebran, and payment can still be made at Town Hall.


Where is the Town Hall Office?


The Town Hall office is located at 109 South Center St., Hildebran, N.C. 


What is the mailing address and phone numbers for the Town Hall?

     Town of Hildebran
     109 South Center Street
     Hildebran, NC  28637


     Phone: 828-397-5801

     Fax: 828-397-7180




How do I file a Nuisance Complaint?


You file a Nuisance Complaint by filling out the Nuisance Complaint section online with the Western Piedmont Council of Governments.  The complaint will be forwarded to the Town's Code Enforcement Officer

How do I file for a Zoning Permit?

You file for a Zoning Permit by filling out the Zoning Permit form and dropping it by town hall or mailing it to Town of Hildebran, 109 S. Center Street, Hildebran, NC 28637.




Who is the Planner for the Town of Hildebran?


For questions about planning or zoning, contact Town Manager, Logan Shook at (828) 397-5801.  To speed up your request, complete the Planning and Zoning Request Form on the Planning Tab.

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